Click the 'Uninstaller Plus' on the toolbar.It will list all programs which have been installed in your computer.
Uninstall a program
- Select the program you want to uninstall.
- Click the 'Uninstall' button in the bottom or right click mouse on the list and select 'Uninstall' menu item.
- The Uninstaller Plus dialog will be displayed.
- Click on the 'OK' button.Uninstall Plus will run the uninstall routine of the program. If the uninstall routine does not remove the program from the list, Uninstaller Plus will prompt you to remove it.
Delete entry of a program
Programs that have been already removed from your computer, but were left behind in the list by misbehaved uninstallers are marked with an exclamation mark icon.
![](/file/23328/ccd0605.iso/Software/Shareware/Utilitare/magicutils/mgutil_340.exe/{app}/help.chm/error.gif) These programs should be removed from the list to reduce clutter and make it easier to find and uninstall other programs in the future.
- Select the program you want to delete entry.
- Click the 'Delete Entry' button in the bottom or right click mouse on the list and select 'Entry' menu item.
- The Uninstaller Plus dialog will be displayed.
- Click on the 'OK' button.Uninstall Plus will remove the program from the list.
Modify the detail of a program
- Select the program you want to modify the detail.
- Click the 'Program Info' button in the bottom or right click mouse on the list and select 'Program Info' menu item.
- The Program Info dialog will be displayed.Edit the program name, the uninstall command or other details.
- Click on the 'OK' button to apply changes.
Change the view mode of the list
You can change the view mode of the list by right click mouse on the list and select 'Icon/List/Report' menu item.
Find a program you want to uninstall
In the Find field you can enter an entire program name (such as Microsoft Office), or only a part of the name (such as office); then just click on the 'Find' button to locate that program in the list.